Compete in our monthly Time Trials and Win Big! - WREKD Co.

Compete in our monthly Time Trials and Win Big!

How does it work?

  1. Create an account on
  2. Provide your Velocidrone pilot name in your WREKD profile.
  3. Download the WREKD TIME ATTACK tracks on Velocidrone.
  4. Compete to get the fastest times on the current weeks track.

What determines how much you earn?

Every participant earns currency for just participating.  The currency is called KAA$H. This currency can be used to purchase real-world drone parts from our online store at

Each week, put down your best time on the current WREKD TRACK and our team will ensure you are given KAA$H directly in your WREKD Account.

We are continuing to work out the details about how much currency should be earned so these numbers may change.  We will try to keep things up to date as best as we can.

 10 KAA$H  per week for throwing down your best time.
 + 1 KAA$H  for each pilot below you on the leaderboard. (so share the competition and get more participants to join in and you'll earn more!)
 + 30 KAA$H  for having the first place position.
 + 20 KAA$H  for having the second place position.
 + 10 KAA$H  for having the third place position.
 + 100 KAA$H  given away at random to one pilot per month that participated in the time trials.


Monthly trial had 50 participants. You place 3rd by the cut off on the last day of the month.

You would receive:

- 10 KAA$H for participating.
- 47 KAA$H for the amount of participants below you on the leaderboard.
- 10 KAA$H for being 3rd place.

So for the week, you will have earned 67 KAA$H

How do I find the latest Wrekd Track?

You will need to have Velocidrone downloaded on your computer.
Get a copy of Velocidrone at

Once downloaded, get the latest tracks by searching for them in the Track Editor screen.  Should be enough to just type "WREKD" and press enter.

Each track should be named "WREKD Time Trial #"

Tracks are released on last day of the month and will end on the last day of the following month.